Lone Wolf (not his real name) has lived his life surrounded by paranormal events. As a child he could see demons and growing up he has had several strange supernatural sightings and occurrences happen around him.
Lone Wolf wants to help others with their paranormal experiences and has come forward to tell his story and offer his advice to those who need help with hauntings. Watch & listen closely toward the end of the show when EVP's appear in the audio track.
Leave comments & questions in the comment section below.
Show Notes: During the recording of this show we were besieged with audio interference that appears to have EVP's within it. We have checked our equipment and cannot find a source for these sounds. You are encouraged to listen closely for the sounds that appear in the audio track.
I concede this could be some kind of radio interference, however we use no wireless equipment to create Conundrums. Listen closely for wind, bumps, pounding, taps, music, and even voices. Toward the end of the show these sounds increase. I did not "clean" the audio or add any noise suppression to this episode so the sound track would remain original.
The MP3 audio only file is below in the event you wish to download it and analyze the sound track. We encourage your comments, use the comment link below to respond to Lone Wolf or leave a comment on this episode.
Contact Lone Wolf directly here.
Audio Only File for those on the go! Click Here!
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About Conundrums: Conundrums is a weekly talk/interview show featuring prominent people in the paranormal field. Topics include UFOS, Ghosts, Cryptozoology, Ancient Astronauts, and all aspects of the study. Conundrums is recorded on Wednesday night and 'airs' on or before the weekend. The program is available to watch on a multitude of distribution platforms. Subscribe, bookmark and watch Conundrums each week!
Are you serious? I understand there was a time limit, but did Mr. Michael have to interupt him so rudely all the time like that? Really?
ReplyDeleteGood luck "Lone Wolf", hope you find some answers. We all support you.
Excellent program...It is time for brave people such as Lone Wolf to step up and share some of his experiences that may help others to live without fear...
ReplyDeleteAwesome show. "Lone Wolf" is very interesting and very brave for speaking out to help others.
ReplyDeleteIs there any chance J Michael you can have him on for a part2?
I'm sure many others will want to hear more!
I love Conundrums.
What a wonderful show. I can witness the knowledge Lone Wolf has on this subject as he has helped not only my son, but my family. Lone Wolf has given my son knowledge on this subject,tools to fight with and comfort simply by sharing his experiences. I'm sure this program has helped many, thank you Lone for sharing and Jay for the netcast. Looking forward to part two.